Project Status: Implementation

This project aims to implement a clear, comprehensive, and consistent onboarding experience for first year and transfer students during their first year at PSU. With a supportive plan in place, students will know who their ‘success’ team is and the knowledge and access to resources that support student success. This project is a collaborative effort between Advising & Career Services and the Transfer & Returning Student Resource Center. 


  • Team decision for Phase two work to transition to separate project(s) and for Phase one to remain the Onboarding Project. 
  • Synthesized findings from Spring student onboarding engagement session and incorporated into practices and support strategy for Fall 2024 implementation.
  • Presented project updates and Fall 2024 action plan at the following events: End of Year Division meeting (June); and Community Learning Initiative (August). 
  • Discussed potential for cross-collaboration and overlap with student success projects supporting incoming students, including First Year Inquiry for Student Success and Math Start projects.
  • Refined First Year Mandatory Advising Requirement learning objectives and outcomes for input by the advising community and review by the Vice Provost for Student Success.
  • Formed subgroup for First Year Mandatory Advising Requirement made up of volunteer advisors and Pathway Directors.  
  • Sent outreach to advising community and student success colleagues to encourage Welcome Week tabling sign-ups for Fall 2024.
  • Coordinated and scheduled 16 FRINQ presentations with 15 volunteer advisors set for Week 5 of Fall term. 

In Progress

  • Workgroup to refine practices and implement interventions in preparation for 2024-25 launch.
  • Preparation for Welcome Week Fall 2024 implementation, including volunteer coordination, materials, and student-facing communications.
  • Finalizing the FRINQ presentation content and training of 15 advisor volunteers.
  • First Year  Advising Requirement subgroup working on resource guide and pre-advising survey for students to complete prior to their First Year Advising appointment.
  • Workgroup to assess goals and deliverables, and to determine action plan and next steps for 2025. 

Project Team

Sponsors: Andrea Garrity and Randi Harris
Project Leads:  Ilka Bailey and Ryan Wagner
Project Manager: Kara Hayes
Team: Ilka Bailey, Saori Clark, Kara Hayes, Shay Snyder, Caitlin Sweeney, Ryan Wagner
Collaborators: Advising and Career Services, Office of Student Success, Transfer and Returning Student Resource Center